Watch and Pray

God Speaks so Listen

A couple of weekends ago I was up north visiting my brothers. When Sunday rolled around, I went to church with them. As I was sitting and observing, the Lord really put the need for older mentors on my heart (campus church). It was very evident God was speaking. The next day I returned home, and I was chatting on Facebook with my friend from the same area. As we were chatting, she said her and her husband were really praying about getting involved with this same church and having college students into their home. (She hadn't received confirmation at this point.) They happened to be at the earlier service that morning, and she was praying to hear from the Lord. At the late service (one hour later), I received this word, and the Lord allowed us to connect the following Monday!


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Watch and Pray Bloggers

Watch and Pray Bloggers
Ryan and CamieLee

Watch and Pray

We have witnessed some amazing testimonies in our lives and in the lives of those we love, so we've decided to share them through the avenue of a blog.

It was a vision of ours to create a place where others could share their testimonies for both encouragement and prophecy. To continue, we have learned a lot about how God loves to heal his people through the Gospels. Therefore, we will also be including insights we've been taught about the healing power of God. It is our hope you will be blessed and prepared as you journey through life!

- Ryan & CamieLee