Robbie speaks (Lessons from a 11 year old boy)
There is a little 11 year old boy named Robbie who thousands of us have been praying and fasting for the last couple of months. (Robbie has been diagnosed with viral encephalitis, which means he has swelling on his brain. The doctors don't know how he contracted it and told the family they will probably never know the cause. Because it's viral, not bacterial, there is no medical treatment. (description from family's email) Anyway, there is an awesome praise report. After two months of not being able to speak, he spoke!!! (Sometimes, just the effort of making a simples sound would cause his muscles to seize up. Well, yesterday evening was definitely a breakthrough in that. He started trying to make every sound he could think of that included the vowel and consonant sounds he was able to do: “Dad, mom, Beth, hi, yo, mamaw, oma” and so on. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room. Even our med-tech and nurse started getting teary eyed – they both said “Praise God” as well – they all know of Robbie’s faith around here. Everyone who came in to the room heard him try to say their name and started crying as well, “Oma, Opa, Becca”. Before leaving that evening, he hugged us and slowly and aggressively said, “Aaahh Llluuhh Oooo”. He said “I love you” to his mom, dad, and both sisters. And, of course, he continued to sign “Thank you God” throughout. (note from family's email) We anticipate and command in Jesus' name a full recovery!
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