Watch and Pray

Car Title (Big or Small the Lord Cares About It All)

I am looking for my car title tonight, and I can't find it anywhere. I've gone through every drawer imaginable. At a moment of complete frustration, I lay my head down on the desk and beg the Lord to show me where it could be. He instantly gives me a picture of a filing cabinet, which I tucked away in a closet to free up some space. I get up and walk over to the filing cabinet. As I am rummaging through the files, I notice one titled Car Loan. I take out the file and there is the title! Praise the Lord!


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Watch and Pray Bloggers

Watch and Pray Bloggers
Ryan and CamieLee

Watch and Pray

We have witnessed some amazing testimonies in our lives and in the lives of those we love, so we've decided to share them through the avenue of a blog.

It was a vision of ours to create a place where others could share their testimonies for both encouragement and prophecy. To continue, we have learned a lot about how God loves to heal his people through the Gospels. Therefore, we will also be including insights we've been taught about the healing power of God. It is our hope you will be blessed and prepared as you journey through life!

- Ryan & CamieLee