Watch and Pray

LifeTime Fitness Testimony

At the end of my cycling ride a few weeks ago, my instructor gave a testimony to our whole class and another class she had previously taught that week. Therefore, this particular act of obedience easily brushed up against the ears of 100 plus people. The testimony was about a friend of hers, who was going through a divorce and experiencing some financial difficulty. It happened to be the time preceding Christmas. She was feeling down about the fact she couldn't get the kids presents like she had in the past. As a result, she prayed on the way to the restaurant she worked at. She laid her requests before the Lord. When she got to work, one of the tables she served was a family. After they finished eating, the two little children came up and gave this woman two fifty dollar bills. The woman said, "I think you made a mistake here." Trying to figure out what happened the woman made her way over to the table and asked if this money was really for her. The adults at the table told the woman they had prayed on their drive that morning for the Lord to allow them to bless someone. Then, when they got to the restaurant the Lord pointed you out, so we want to bless you. (Praise the Lord!) I love this testimony for two reasons: the first one is because it shows the power of obedience and second one is this testimony shows how powerful it is to share what miraculous things the Lord is doing in your life.


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Watch and Pray Bloggers

Watch and Pray Bloggers
Ryan and CamieLee

Watch and Pray

We have witnessed some amazing testimonies in our lives and in the lives of those we love, so we've decided to share them through the avenue of a blog.

It was a vision of ours to create a place where others could share their testimonies for both encouragement and prophecy. To continue, we have learned a lot about how God loves to heal his people through the Gospels. Therefore, we will also be including insights we've been taught about the healing power of God. It is our hope you will be blessed and prepared as you journey through life!

- Ryan & CamieLee